Pathway Community Church
Who We Are
Pathway Community Church began as a dream early in 1998 as Harold and Betty Albrecht began to sense that God was moving in them to begin a new work in the K.W. area.
Strongly supported by the Be in Christ (BIC, Formerly Brethren In Christ) denomination – an awesome 200-year-old movement rooted in the Anabaptist, Pietist and Wesleyan heritage with a passion for innovative church planting – they launched on November 21, 1999 and began building a new community radically committed to living and sharing the message of Jesus.
From an initial group of about 50 people who were committed to the church plant, the church has continued to meet together over the years with a deep desire to help people hear the message of Jesus.
Our services are currently held at Country Hills Community Centre, which is located at 100 Rittenhouse Road, Kitchener, Ontario.
Since we first launched, our vision has never changed - we are still a community of people deeply committed to living out and sharing the message of Jesus with our community.
Anabaptist Heritage
Pathway Community Church is part of a family of churches called Be in Christ (BIC, Formerly Brethren In Christ). The BIC began in the late 18th century in Pennsylvania, when a group of Mennonites became dissatisfied with the lack of spiritual passion in the church and so ventured off in a new direction. The BIC has been influenced by key elements of a number of spiritual movements, including the Pietist focus on heart-felt devotion to Jesus, the Wesleyan pursuit of personal holiness, and the Anabaptist emphasis on simplicity, peace-making, and living out the teachings of Jesus in everyday life.
Today the BIC Church has about 270 churches across North America and over 1,100 churches worldwide. The BIC church also works closely with Mennonite Central Committee, the relief and development arm of Mennonite churches which compassionately responds to social needs around the world in the name of Christ.
To find out more go to the Canadian BIC web site.